Bettison Interviewed by Star Tribune about Crisis Communications

Star Tribune logo, used with permission.

Stacy Bettison, Minneapolis-based crisis communications expert, was recently interviewed by the Star Tribune.When faced with the decision of doing your job, or doing the right thing, how do you choose? Stacy Bettison, Minneapolis crisis communications expert, was recently asked this question in an interview with the Star Tribune:

Her response: “Doing what is right is what your job is. . . . That’s how I view it. Doing the right thing and doing your job are not mutually exclusive.”

Bettison, also a licensed attorney, was interviewed by Chris Hewitt of the Star Tribune for his story about the world premiere play “Groupthink.” A satire, with the setting as a PR firm “whose employees work with some unsavory clients” considers the challenges of representing clients who may — or may not — be inclined to do what’s right and good.

Bettison was asked about the types of clients she has represented over the 15+ years of crisis communications experience. She represents companies and individuals who are faced with difficult decisions about how to communicate difficult things. Bettison discussed the widely held (and incorrect) perception that public relations professionals are merely “mouthpieces” who will say and do anything for a client, regardless of the truth or sincerity of that message.

Bettison, however, views public relations, and more specifically crisis communications, as an opportunity to defend against false accusations, communicate what’s true, and, if necessary, apologize.

View Chris Hewitt’s story here. And thank you Chris Hewitt and the Star Tribune for the opportunity to share information about crisis communications.
