Communications Training, Continuing Legal
Education, Media Expert.

When a high-profile story takes over the news cycle, Stacy Bettison can provide reporters with critical insights

We Do Better When We Know Better

No one is born with the skills needed to handle a crisis. If we learn these skills at all, we learn them by living through an intensely difficult situation. That’s less than ideal, especially when a negative outcome is exactly what we are trying to avoid.

BETTISON provides communications training to business and community groups, and is a regular speaker at CLEs. Company president and corporate speaker, Stacy Bettison speaks to groups about crisis communications, reputation management, social media, interview preparation, and other topics. To schedule a presentation for your group, contact BETTISON.

Expert Resource for Media

When a high-profile story takes over the news cycle, particularly one involving a communications/PR angle, Stacy Bettison can provide reporters with critical insights into: