Bettison Featured in Attorney at Law Magazine
Stacy Bettison was among several women attorneys featured in Attorney at Law Magazine’s November issue, which focuses on women in law. The magazine interviewed Stacy about her years as a crisis communications consultant, and how she works with attorneys to help clients. The interview also covered her legal practice at Kelley, Wolter & Scott, P.A., where Stacy is an attorney practicing in the areas of high-stakes, complex-civil litigation.
The article covers how she views her role in helping clients with critical issues and crisis:
This often involves putting out the current fire, but making sure we are aware and ready for future fires.” The best result is achieved when Bettison can help keep a client out of the news media (traditional and social). “The old adage ‘No news is good news’ could not be more true here. I’m always working for that when possible.”
It also discusses how this high-stakes PR work fits so well with her legal practice:
Since she had clerked for the firm during law school, Bettison was familiar with the attorneys and their unique practice – headline-making, multi-party, multi-year cases. In addition to high-profile cases, however, Kelley Wolter also is renowned for obtaining outcomes that preserve reputations and minimize public fallout; thus its tagline: “Much of our finest work never makes the news.”
Finally, the article describes Stacy’s work as a public defender in Carver/Dakota County Veterans Treatment Court and what that work means for her:
I feel privileged to help veterans through the process of resolving their legal issues and coming out stronger. It’s a lot of work for these vets, but the benefit is that it gives them the opportunity to clear their criminal records.
An on-line version of the article is available here.
The full digital version of the November issue is available here.